Tuesday, August 30, 2011

TBR Tuesday. Bad Girls Don't Die.

To make up for the lack of reviews, I'm going to take part in another meme. This one is hosted by The Book Rat.

This meme is about, in her words, "Most of us have books we've bought with all intentions of reading (or maybe just because it was cheap!), only to have them fade away on a shelf or disappear into a stack of books, never to be seen or thought of again.
TBR Tuesday is a way to talk about the books we own but haven't read, see what other people think about them, and help us decide whether to bump it up our list or knock it off completely."

So my first TBR Tuesday is:
When Alexis’s little sister Kasey becomes obsessed with an antique doll, Alexis thinks nothing of it. Kasey is a weird kid. Period. Alexis is considered weird, too, by the kids in her high school, by her parents, even by her own Goth friends. Things get weirder, though, when the old house they live in starts changing. Doors open and close by themselves; water boils on the unlit stove; and an unplugged air conditioner turns the house cold enough to see their breath in. Kasey is changing, too. Her blue eyes go green and she speaks in old-fashioned language, then forgets chunks of time.
Most disturbing of all is the dangerous new chip on Kasey’s shoulder. The formerly gentle, doll-loving child is gone, and the new Kasey is angry. Alexis is the only one who can stop her sister — but what if that green-eyed girl isn’t even Kasey anymore?

I bought this at HPB awhile back and was itching to read it right away. But here we are, months later and it's still sitting on my shelf. So what did you guys think? Worth moving up the pile?

Also, don't forget to tell me about your TBRs!


Misty said...

I got this from the library right when it came out (well, technically right before it came out - my librarian had a stack of new books and couldn't read them all before they came out, and she wanted to know whether to recommend them, so I took a few to read for her), but I had the same problem, it ended up just sitting there until it went back. I'm not sure why, I can't even remember if I started it and just wasn't feeling it, or if it never even got opened...

Thanks for participating in TBR Tuesday!

Erica said...

This one sounds good - I still need to read it, I bought it ions ago but it's still sitting on my shelf

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